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NorthGlass held her 2017 yearly managers' working meeting

date:2017-02-16 17:39:35

On 22nd, Jan. ~ 23rd, Jan., 2017, NorthGlass held her yearly managers’ work meeting in Dongshan Hotel in Luoyang Longmen. Totally 51 middle and senior managers attended the meeting.

Mr. Gao Li, president of NorthGlass, chaired the meeting, briefly summarized NorthGlass’s management situation in 2016 and reviewed the proceeding situation of top-priority work items in 2016. He said,” 2016 started with a worrying forecast, but ended with a unexpectedly satisfying result. From sales data of tempering furnace business unit, we can see a sharp increase in orders in the last two months of the year. 4 manufacturing plans needed to be signed every day for 4 consecutive days, which let us have a feeling that the economy has been out of the trough. Today we gather here, let’s base ourselves upon now and more importantly look beyond, analyze the problems we encountered, make new short-term and long-term work plans. These are not only top concerns in today’s managers’ meeting, but also top concerns for managers’ meetings in the next few years.

Then, 11 business units and functional departments of the company reported and summarized their business operating conditions in 2016 and put forward their work plans in 2017.

Tempering furnace business unit ceased to lose and began to turn out a profit in 2016 and will spare no effort to fulfill net margin target of RMB 20 million in 2017, meanwhile providing Tianjin and Shanghai glass business units with newly-developed tempering furnaces. Tianjin NorthGlass found her own new driver of business growth in addition to getting orders from the world’s most famous consumer electronics company and finally overfulfiled the profit target in 2016 by 150%. Shanghai Glass Business Unit knew accurately her own business development direction and brought employees’ potential into full play, managing to enhance brand value and profitability. Shanghai Coated Glass Business Unit suffered substantial loss in early 2016; however, Mr. Gao Feng and Mr. Cao Xinghui volunteered to take over the burden of management to cut payroll to improve efficiency and focus on technical innovation, which brought the Business Unit’s product yield and sales volume to reach the highest level ever. Shanghai NorthGlass Automation Technology Corp. speeded up the R & D progress of her automation system and got more and more customer orders. Luoyang NorthGlass Taixin Fan Corp. had a warped-tail sales increase at the end of the year, getting a profit of RMB 3 million in the last 3 months. Beijing Glass Business Unit maintained her flexible operation pattern in the condition of allocating not so many equipments , successfully finished the curved glass project of Suzhou Center in 2016. Luoyang Glass Business Unit, Shanghai Coating Technology Corp., Shanghai Equipment Manufacturing Corp. and Guangdong NorthGlass Juisun Corp. also made summaries respectively for their work and problems encountered in 2016 and reported their work plan in 2017.

After listening the report of each manager, the president gave praise to the business units with positive business growth, put forward expectations for the business units with declining performance as well as made a few requirements upon each business unit and functional department.

Last but not the least, Mr. Gao Xueming, the chairman of NorthGlass, made a conclusion to the meeting. He said, “ As the chairman of the board and representative of the shareholders, I was pretty satisfied with the overall work guided by the president.” Comparing with those meetings in former years, he thought that this meeting was more efficient and more practical. Although the whole industry is in a quite depressed state, he saw a bigger and stronger management team of NorthGlass. Meanwhile, He also spoke highly of what the president stated in the meeting, thinking that the president directed a clear and right path for the company’s further development. Chairman Gao also made an introduction of the company’s investment progress in SiNest material and electronic glass industry to attendees. After the meeting, every manager strongly believed that NorthGlass will step into her new journey more steadily and go farther and farther in the new year.