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Helping Each Other, Sailing Farther Together -- Sidelight of 2017 NorthGlass Marketing Centre Conference

date:2017-04-20 17:44:59

On 17th and 18th, Mar.,2017, NorthGlass held the 2nd Marketing Centre Conference in her parent company in Luoyang during the warmth of spring. The company’s president (Mr.Gao Li) and vice president (Mr. Gao Qi) attended the meeting, together with general managers and sales elites of all business divisions from the five production bases respectively located in Luoyang, Shanghai, Tianjin, Beijing and Guangdong. They gathered together for one resolution: Getting well prepared for new marketing challenges in 2017.

In this two-day meeting, three subjects were raised and arranged: a) New product introduction of every business division; b) Legal knowledge training and examination; c) Sales skills training.

On the first day of training, firstly, representatives of 6 business units introduced the classification, technical characteristics as well as target market conditions of their own new products respectively; secondly, the company’s lawyer, Mr. Cai, analyzed and summarized the legal problems encountered by the company and lawsuits most likely to happen with handy explanations based on practical cases; lastly, combining with specific case studies, NorthGlass’s specially-appointed marketing expert further introduced some sales communication skills and sales strategies.

Not least, Mr. Gao Li, the president of the company, entirely participated in the training and examination of this two-day meeting. When he made comments on the results of examination, he pointed out that the performance as a whole was better than that of last examination; the average scores of business units of tempering furnace, coating technology and coated glass came out top and less candidates cheated in the exam. Mr. Gao regarded the exam as a cultivation of earnest character.

Mr. Gao Li said, the marketing centre conference every year was a great chance for face-to-face idea exchanges and mutual learning. From 1995 to 2017, 22 years witnesses NorthGlass’s solid No.1 sales volume both at home and abroad. NorthGlass’s top-quality glass products attracted the big attention from all over the world. All these remarkable achievements are exactly the outcome of holding on NorthGlass’s business culture: Get things well done consistently. The establishment of NorthGlass was an opportunity, and this opportunity needs to be turned into an on-going development momentum through continuous pursuits of quality promotion and technological innovation. Over the past 20 years, NorthGlass has not only kept staying on top in the tempering industry, but also spared no efforts to further developing the automation system of and pre-treatment line of glass deep-processing, which filled domestic gaps in these fields. No matter what new industry we are stepping into, we need to still absorb our old business culture, striving for No. 1 in these new industries.

Last but not the least, Mr. Gao Li hoped that everyone could make full use of these knowledge trained and examined in this meeting to well backup their work in future. Helping each other, sailing farther together into a new distance!